WWC 2024

Intentional Me

Romans 12:1-2



3PM – Arrival Time

Evening Session:

7:00PM – 8:00PM – Dinner
8:00PM – 8:10PM – Opening Prayer
8:10PM – 8:30PM – Worship (Choir)
8:30PM – 8:40PM – House Rules
8:40PM – 9:00PM – Introduction\Ice Breaker
9:00PM – 9:10PM – Welcome Address
9:10PM – 9:40PM – Testimonies
9:40PM – 10:10PM – Worship (Choir)
10:10PM – 10:15PM – Closing Prayer


Morning Session:

6:00AM – ‘Good Morning Holy Spirit’
7:00AM – 9:00AM – Breakfast
9:00AM – 9:10AM – Opening Prayer
9:10AM – 9:30AM – Worship (Choir)
9:30AM – 10:00AM – Intentional Me: Part 1 (Word)
10:00AM – 10:10AM – Prayer
10:10AM – 11:10AM – Intentional Me (Word)
11:10AM – 11:20AM – Prayer
11:20AM – 11:50AM – Intentional Me: My Experience
11:50AM – 12:00PM – Prayer
12:00PM – 12:20PM – Intentional Me: My Health
12:20PM – 12:40PM – Intentional Me: My Business
12:40PM – 1:00PM – Intentional Me: Upbringing
1:00PM – 1:05PM – Closing Prayer
1:05PM – 2:00PM – Lunch

Afternoon Session:

5:00PM – 5:10PM – Opening Prayer
5:10PM – 5:30PM – Worship (Choir)
5:30PM – 6:10PM – Question Time
6:10PM – 6:30PM – Intentional Me: Marital Settlement
6:30PM – 6:40PM – Prayer for Marital Relationships
6:40PM – 6:50PM – Prayer for Family
6:50PM – 6:55PM – Closing Prayer
7:00PM – 8:00PM – Dinner

Evening Session:

9:00PM – 9:10PM – Opening Prayer
9:10PM – 9:30PM – Worship (Choir)
9:30PM – 10:00PM – Holy Communion
10:00PM – 10:20PM – Testimonies
10:20PM – 10:30PM – Thanksgiving
10:30PM – 10:40PM – Final Blessing


7:00AM – Departure

Welcome Address

I give glory to God, the Giver of life, our Sustainer, Defender, the Lover of our soul, and the Keeper of our families, for this unique opportunity to gather together in His presence once again.

To Him alone be all the glory, honour, adoration, majesty and dominion forever, in Jesus name.

I want to use this opportunity to express my gratitude to all the Pastors here, for your continuous support over the years and for believing in this vision; may the God that we serve bless and enrich your lives and ministries, in Jesus name.

I also want to express my sincere gratitude and say a big thank you to all of the Winning Women Conference partners, for your continued dedication and commitment to this vision. I pray that you will not lose your reward, in Jesus name.

I will also like to appreciate and thank you all for attending this year’s Winning Women Conference. For those that have come each year, and for those that are here for the very first time – thank you! Your presence here truly warms my heart, and I pray God will bless each and everyone of us, and touch us all at the very point of our needs.

Here we are again, in the year 2024, gathered as Winning Women with the theme ‘INTENTIONAL ME’. Our time together over this weekend may seem short, but I assure you that the God we serve is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we can ask or think, according to His power that works in us (Ephesians 3:20). I trust that by the help of the Living God, it will be an awesome, impactful and fulfilling time in His presence. I pray that our lives shall be touched by Him, and we will never remain the same again.

I thank each and every one of you for believing in this vision, for your support, prayers and cooperation, and it is my sincere prayer that you will forever remember this weekend with fond memories of God’s move in our midst, in Jesus name.

I welcome the ladies who are joining us for the first time. I pray you will all receive first time miracles and that wonderful testimonies shall abound.

We are here to have a divine encounter with the Holy Spirit, to be empowered and equipped for the journey ahead. We are all going forward and waxing stronger in the power of His grace. I want us to be expectant this weekend, and most importantly, be intentional about our lives daily as Christian women.

During the break periods, time will be made available for personal counselling if required, or to speak with the professionals in the house. Please do take the time to rest and pamper yourselves in the facilities available here.

Once again, I welcome you sincerely and wholeheartedly in the mighty name of Jesus.

God bless you all.

Your Sister,

Pastor Lola Bakare

Convener, Winning Women Conference

Question Time

Ask your questions anonymously by clicking on the button below.

WWC Welcome Form

These are just a few questions, so we can know more about you and keep you updated. Complete the welcome form by clicking on the button below.